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Visions by Laura Anile #atozchallenge

A to Z April Blogging Challenge 2013   is in its last week, and with thousands of blogs to visit, I confess to a degree of exhaustion. I’m co-hosting it on Amlokiblogs, so drop me a comment there if you have something to say about the challenge itself. On this blog, I’ve been featuring mostly indie-published book excerpts for all of April. I love reading, and supporting author-friends, and this is a good way to do both.

Today, for V, I give you a paranormal thriller: Visions by Laura Anile.

Visons by Laura Anile

Visions by Laura Anile

Elevator Pitch: When Isabel begins to experience premonitions of strangers in potentially life-threatening situations, she must decide what she is willing to do – and sacrifice – in order to save the people in her visions. It is only when her life spins out of control that she is able to take chances that she never thought possible – including opening her heart to love.

Excerpt: The young girl began screaming; a scream that made your blood run cold. Her mother instantly tried to placate her, eventually smothering her mouth when those attempts failed. That only intensified the screaming, agitating the girl more.

The gunman flew into a rage, demanding the girl be silenced before he silenced her. His hand twitched in fury. Could he honestly harm a child? I wondered, as fear crashed over me. The interminable screaming shrilled through the bank as the girl thrashed in her mother’s arms. My skin tingled, the air electrified with trepidation.

The gunman pointed the weapon directly at the child, narrowing his eyes. A growl erupted from his throat as his feeble control shattered and his finger pulled back the trigger.

There was no time left to decide, to think. There was only time to act. Instinctively, I jumped in front of the young girl as I heard the deafening crack of the gun being fired.

I jumped so violently that I awoke, drenched in sweat.

For more information on the book, visit or

Are you a suspense fan? Would you buy this book?

Damyanti Biswas

Damyanti Biswas is the author of You Beneath Your Skin and numerous short stories that have been published in magazines and anthologies in the US, the UK, and Asia. She has been shortlisted for Best Small Fictions and Bath Novel Awards and is co-editor of the Forge Literary Magazine. Her literary crime thriller series, the Blue Mumbai, is represented by Lucienne Diver from The Knight Agency. Both The Blue Bar and The Blue Monsoon were published in 2023.

I appreciate comments, and I always visit back. If you're having trouble commenting, let me know via the contact form, or tweet me up @damyantig !

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  • Rose says:

    If you’re planning to spend most of this winter indoors with a good book, then this would be the one- I believe that its a must read that everyone talks about and bound to be part of your next dinner party conversation.
    Good Luck

  • Kristen says:

    Hmmm, I usually like these kinds of stories. This sounds pretty good!

    #atozchallenge, Kristen’s blog:

  • domenica says:

    Wow love the cover and love the concept. Just read the first chapter and cant wait to read the book.

  • Susan Scott says:

    ooops, not sure I’ll get to sleep tonight … great post thank you!

  • Jai says:

    Wow. Another book to add to the list. This sounds very good.

  • This book sounds terrifying. Especially for Isabel.

  • santina valerio says:

    Visions is captivating. Love the concepts and can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of the book. It opens up the dilemma of “what would you do” and that intrigues me.

  • cherryreads says:

    Good grief, you’re not reading all these A- Z books are you? A book a day would be lovely, if you had no other responsibilities. I’m sure all the indie authors enjoy the promos though, even if you’re only getting to dip into a sample of each book, so it’s a nice endeavour.

    • Laura Anile says:

      On behalf of all of the indie authors featured in the challenge, you’re absolutely right, we really appreciate the exposure and opportunity to reach readers – thanks Damyanti for this incredible idea and support! 🙂

  • JccKeith says:

    Makes you wonder just what any of us would do if we had such premonition dreams. Would we ignore them or go out of our way, risk our lives to save the people in them?

    • Laura Anile says:

      That’s the question! The premonitions that the main character experiences start off small and end up becoming increasingly challenging and risky. She needs to throw all of her previous ideas and plans out the window and discover what she’s really made of – and what’s really important to her.
      If you’re interested, you can view the trailers at or on my website
      Thanks for your comment 🙂

  • ocdreader says:

    Ooh, that sounds great! Exciting and heart-pounding excerpt, dang.

    • Laura Anile says:

      Thanks! I really appreciate the enthusiasm! Although in the interests of full disclosure, it’s not really a thriller. The drama and risk involved in her premonitions build as the story unfolds. The novel explores the ideas of fate and purpose – what’s controllable, what isn’t, what are we willing to give and what are we willing to lose?
      If you’re interested, you can check out the trailers 🙂

  • writerlysam says:

    Hang in there – we can see the light at then end of the tunnel, oh no, wait, that’s just the light from my computer screen:) Love the cover of “Visions” very “eye” catching!

  • Bronwyn says:

    Wow, I feel so quickly drawn into the writing of Laura Anile. I think we have a page turner on our hands. Does anyone know the release date? Keen to read more of this novel.

  • Sylvia says:

    Sounds interesting

  • Carmel says:

    Sounds great, can’t wait to read it

  • kristin says:

    whew! That was horrifying.

    • Laura Anile says:

      The extract was from a key scene in the book, but overall it’s not scary! Her other premonitions are far less intense – things that would be plausible on a more regular basis. It’s not really a thriller – it’s more of a journey of self-discovery, exploring the ideas of fate and how we are all connected. And there’s a love interest or two thrown in 🙂