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What have the First 6 months of 2019 been like for You? months into 2019, and I demand a rewind and a refund! Like, right now please.

You think I’d be old enough to have not made any New Year’s resolutions, but no.

I wanted to walk five days a week. Yeah, like that has happened. My Fitbit says I’ve averaged 6k steps a day. I walk 5 miles on some days, and 2 on others, so that’s another reason to rewind the year.

Wanted to write a manuscript draft and send it to my agent in March. Well, finally sent it in May, so there’s that.

Cook everyday. Ho hum. *Awkward silence*.

I HAVE started the Gazettes this year, and that was a goal, so CHEERS? (Here’s where you can check them out. If you’re a reader or writer, you’ll want to.)

Read 4 books a month—well apparently I’m still at 3 a month. One of them was Donna Tart’s Goldfinch, so that counts as 2 books, right? RIGHT?

It feels as if I was wishing Happy New Year all over the place just yesterday, and now it is the 17th of June. Are you kidding me?

What have the first 6 months of 2019 been like? What had you planned, and where are you with your goals? Have you been wiser than me and SET NO GOALS? Would you like a rewind and refund for 2019?

This post is part of a Write tribe event–24 bloggers will talk about the first half of 2019 in their unique ways, from the 17th to the 19th June. I received this tag from Ishieta and am passing it on to Amrita. Check them all out in the linky list, and drop in with your comments about 2019!

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Click here to enter

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This monthly event has brought smiles on the faces of a lot of participants and their audiences, and somewhat restored their faith in humanity. Here’s a sampler. Click here to know more.

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Damyanti Biswas

Damyanti Biswas is the author of You Beneath Your Skin and numerous short stories that have been published in magazines and anthologies in the US, the UK, and Asia. She has been shortlisted for Best Small Fictions and Bath Novel Awards and is co-editor of the Forge Literary Magazine. Her literary crime thriller series, the Blue Mumbai, is represented by Lucienne Diver from The Knight Agency. Both The Blue Bar and The Blue Monsoon were published in 2023.

I appreciate comments, and I always visit back. If you're having trouble commenting, let me know via the contact form, or tweet me up @damyantig !

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  • Hi Damayanti,
    What a joy to be here again after a long gap!
    Hope you are doing well and did finish this year​’​s A to Z well. 🙂
    Good to hear a lot of other hectic activities here and other places. Well, keep going!
    As you mentioned just half of the year passed by!
    Looking back as you mentioned I too can very well relate to some of the areas you mentioned.
    Yes, many half-finished tasks are still on the way. Hope the coming months will meet the target.
    Sad, the deadline for the event is over now right​, ​ so there is no meaning in writing. LOL
    But still, let us strive to fulfill the rest of the planned things.
    Thanks, Damayanti for the wonderful experiences shared,
    Keep sharing
    Best Regards
    ~ Phil​

  • aj vosse says:

    Tell you what – it hasn’t been so bad for me.
    I got off to quite a fast start… discovering that the Kindle paperback software had been updated and simplified. So, that lead me to convert my first collection of short stories and make it available in both soft and hard-copy.
    The simplicity of the exercise lead me to compile my second collection… also now available in both formats…
    I keep writing… entered three short stories for the Bath SSA… alas… no long-listing for me this year!
    I returned to my “first” novel… still wondering about that…
    Also joined an online veterans media set-up as contributor… and now I do an online radio session most weekday evenings! Rather fun, playing music I love!
    As from a health point… well, the doctors are still dodging the issues I have with my neck and back… so, we’ll endeavour to endeavour!
    I’m still doing my daily blog posts… however, I keep wondering about my ongoing commitment…
    And… we keep on living! 😉 … and loving! 🙂
    (PS – hopefully I’ll have a third collection available before year end…)

  • jlennidorner says:

    I’m a big fan of goal setting. It’s the only way I know if I’m living the life I want or living a life thrust upon me. Yeah, sometimes there’s failure. But that’s something I learn from too.

    I read Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done by Jon Acuff this month. It has a different approach to goal-setting. Might make you feel better. I wrote a bunch of posts about it.

    Some walking is better than no walking. Glad you got your manuscript draft in! It is odd that a 10 page children’s book “counts” the same as 700 page fantasy book. I find myself torn between a book I want to read because it sounds interesting versus a book I’ll read because it sounds good enough and it’s short so I can get through it in under 6 hours. I don’t care for that mindset, but there it is. I’ve realized I read less books before I set goals, but they were longer ones. So maybe I use to read the same amount of pages? Certainly interesting as a thought.

  • hilarymb says:

    Hi Damyanti – yes half of 2016, 2017 and 2018 were not good – now I’m back in the UK having decided not to stick life in Canada out (Canada is wonderful) … so am re-adjusting … perhaps coming to grips now with 2019. I too want to walk more and will do … but today a bit of lucky joy – tickets to Eastbourne tennis – so 2 days of being in the fresh air and switching off … #WAWTB will be out on Sunday … You’ve done a fair amount .. maybe less or later than you intended – but still on your way ….
    Good luck to us all in 2019 – cheers Hilary

    • Hey, Hilary, What a joy to see you again here on Damyanti’s place. I really missed you all,
      and am back with a bang, hope you all are doing well. Let’s strive to finish the rest of this year’s month on a profitable way as we desires, of course as the Lord leads!
      Keep sharing
      ~ Phil

  • I was inspired to create a whole new family of character for a mystery series. But finding the time to write while my kids are home from school this summer is so hard.

  • Geethica says:

    I have started to read again and am practising to regain my speed. Well, 4 books a month would be a good challenge for for me to start. Much luck to you for the coming years.

  • Umm… our second grandchild (five months after the first) was born in Chicago. Cue – two visits to Chicago (we normally go every other year). Our first grandchild is the most energetic eight-month-old imaginable and visits often. An old friend got in touch to ask me to ask how my novel is progressing as she had read one I wrote in 2008 and wanted to promote it… I did not even post resolutions this year and I wouldn’t have met any of them if I had. But I wouldn’t change a thing.

  • dgkaye says:

    Great topic D. I don’t know if it’s from the craziness of the planets this year or the way of the world. but certainly many things I’ve set out to do have been rerouted. We can’t control everything. So let us continue to plan and achieve our goals and whatever we don’t get to. either move on or tack on to our newer lists. Good intentions count. 🙂 <3

  • sharmistha77 says:

    Review of the first six months of the year surely merits a blog post. Will be working on it for sure this week.

  • Esha M Dutta says:

    I hear you, Damyanti. Loved the idea of a rewind and a refund. (I sure know how that feels!) But well done on getting the manuscript out and congratulations n starting the gazette. I’d love to check it out for myself! Wishing the rest of 2019 brings you all that you’re really going to look forward to, Damyanti! Hugs and best wishes. <3

  • macjam47 says:

    I got a Garmin watch that works similar to the Fitbit. My goal was to walk every day, but I can’t seem to fit everything into each day. Some days I walk a lot, others, not so much. I know I try to do too much each day, with keeping up with the house, cooking, baking, laundry, grocery shopping, babysitting my grandchildren (a pure pleasure), reading, writing, copy-editing, reviewing, blogging, doing fun things with family, walking, Pilates — there just isn’t time for it all. And I thought by 72 I’d have so much free time! Silly me.

  • Christy B says:

    Well done on sending the manuscript, Damyanti! This year is flying by, right?!! One of my goals was to start a clothing e-store, which I did last week. So that’s one thing done! And it’s wedding planning time here too. I hope you have a great weekend ahead!

  • Ramya says:

    All the best for your gazettes. Averaging 2 miles a day is good, right?

  • JT Twissel says:

    Aside from what’s going on in this country, the year has been moderately successful however I haven’t gotten nearly the amount of exercise I should!

  • Dr.Amrita says:

    The exercise goals keep getting different but no harm in trying.We are all trying to do more and think more but whatever happens happens

  • Apeksha Rao says:

    I so get you, Damyanti! My year needs a pause and rewind button, too. Yay on getting the manuscript shipped out! Will check out the gazette, thank you.

  • I can’t believe it’s June already, either! So impressed that you’re able to read three books a month, even though it’s not the four you hope for. (I’m lucky if I can even finish one book a month lately, LOL.) And many congrats on completing your manuscript and getting it sent off to your agent–that’s awesome!

  • Vinitha says:

    Your manuscript. <3 That's a great achievement March or May. 🙂 Signed up for the gazettes. My only goal was to take care of myself. Not every day I manage to, but I am satisfied so far. 🙂

  • Parul Thakur says:

    I did you had great six months. I don’t want a rewind. Things weren’t good my side early in the year. So I’m good moving on. Goals, have never been my thing. I am good looking after themes and that’s easy 😉
    I hope you get a refund and then travel to India to meet us.

  • Rachna says:

    I think that is a pretty decent 6 months, Damyanti. You sent off your manuscript. Now that’s something. At other places, there was some shortfall but I am sure you will make that up in the coming months.

  • You were able to complete your manuscript and send it to your agent – this deserves a big Yay 🙂
    Rewind of the last 6 months, not for me. I am happy how it went for me. I had set 3 goals, have lingered on 2 on them but still I am content for my mind was firm at its place. I stayed busy with something or the other so is is fine. What has gone is gone, let us focus on the coming 6 months. We will all do fabulously in the coming months 🙂

  • DutchIl says:

    Thank you for sharing and congratulations on all your accomplishments and hope life is all that you wish for it to be… as for me, the six months has been like the rest of my life, filled with adventure as I great the new day with an open mind and follow my heart!.. 🙂 continue to let your fingers do the walking (typing) and your heart do the talking!.. 🙂

    Until we meet again,
    May dreams you hold dearest
    Be those which come true
    And the kindness you spread
    Keep returning to you.
    (Irish Saying)

  • Rajlakshmi says:

    Kudos on getting aome of your goals done. I had set very low expectations for myself this year ?the first three months were spent waiting for the baby and the next three changing nappies. I do have Fitness and reading goals for the rest of the year so hopefully I will have some luck finishing them.

  • writershilpa says:

    D, your frustration comes out loud and clear in your post. I truly hope things get sorted out for you soonest!
    For me, these six months have been beautiful coz I bonded with a really warm, genuinely wonderful person, who is so modest and down to earth, I wish we lived nearby! 🙂

    Much love! <3

  • Aesha says:

    I am awaiting for your book release. I think 2019 has been great for you. All the best always.

  • Unishta says:

    You’ve been busy so what if you didn’t walk 5 k every day and so what if you’re late with your manuscript. Life is too short to have regrets and why on earth would you want another six months more? Rewind ? Definitely not for me. I’m glad to get on and leave the past behind me even if it is just a moment. Look ahead and you’ll find that the next kilometre just walks itself into your life.

  • I can totally understand what you are saying for I feel that way too. There are so many things that I wanted to do but I just haven’t been able to and time seems to be flying. But you are done with the manuscript and that is amazing.

  • vinodini says:

    Wow! Those are some goals. I hope you’re able to see them through in the next 6 months. And hey, wish you all the best for the book!

  • Those are great goals. The fact that you’re tracking means they’re going to work. Life always throws storms at us that get in the way of our plans. Me, I’ve had a month of computer problems. And they don’t seem ready to end! Sigh.

  • Balaka says:

    You have done and achieved a lot..then why ask refund? Your book is going to be a bestseller so congratulations in advance. I am confident you will have an amazing year end also. Keep walking.

  • Pam Lazos says:

    Hang in there! It will improve!!

  • Shilpa Garg says:

    I think you have done well for yourself. Sending the manuscript to your agent is huge and so is keeping up with your fitness goals. Great going, Damyanti. Looking forward to read your book and here’s wishing you the very best for the next six months of 2019. Cheers!

  • 2019 refuses to give you a refund. It says you have done more than most other people and the year is not over yet!

  • Shalzzz says:

    Ah, I hope it gets better, Damyanti. My 2019 is more or less the same. Meh!

  • What about all the travelling and the work you did for Project Why? You’ve done a lot!

  • 6K steps a day – not bad especially with your manuscript and reading 3-4 books per month. I would say you have accomplished a lot. Sent your manuscipt – wow!

  • Modern Gypsy says:

    A rewind a refund! That cracked me up. 6k steps per day is a dream for me. And reading 4 books a month is nigh impossible! I’ve averaged about 2 books a month.

  • Anagha Yatin says:

    D… here is your voucher for refund of six months! Sending you the virtual time machine to rewind 😉
    6K steps per day, oh my my! Thats something a distant dream for me. But having met you and knowing your resolve for the things, I am pretty sure that you will achieve 10K before 2019 bids us bye bye.
    Wishing you all the best with your new book.

  • Obsessivemom says:

    If you managed to send off your manuscript that’s more than half of the resolutions done.
    6K per day isn’t too bad. As for the cooking, it can wait. Not a bad six months at all.

  • msw blog says:

    2019 has been a beautiful blessed blur. In saying that I do not write down a plethora of resolutions to complete, Instead I choose a word each year, and work toward implementing it in my daily life. The word this year is “inspire”.

  • Widdershins says:

    A blur. 🙂

  • I think you underestimate your contribution. Always aim high, as you do, but forgive yourself if you take a holiday from the norm. Action is good whether it be physical or mental, but once in a while its good to activate the soul and do nothing but smell the roses. 🙂

  • firobertson says:

    You’ve read 3 books a month, you’ve submitted your manuscript (congratulations!) and you’re still walking some days (2-5 miles). You’ve done a lot so far in 2019, and I bet it hasn’t been without its challenges.
    (I do relate to the frustration of unmet goals, but don’t forget to be kind to yourself, as you are to others ❤)

  • jr cline says:

    2019 has been good to me so far. I have accomplished some goals and others could still be accomplished.

  • ccyager says:

    I hear you and can relate! I’ve had too much life interfering with my creative life, to begin with, even though I’m almost finished with the first revision of my second novel. I have entered short stories and the first chapter of the second novel into contests. I too had some physical exercise goals that I haven’t come near to accomplishing, not all due to my laziness. At least the day job is going well! Hang in there! We have the next 6 months to get caught up.

  • Ishita Chopra says:

    Your progress is looking good to me lady 🙂

  • Isheeria says:

    A rewind and a refund!!! I am with you sister!!! The year has flown by… and while progress has been made … tiny step at a time… that I wish I could redo and sprint forward 🙂

  • I submitted a story for publication 10 days ago. It’s the first submission of the year for me. It’s sounds like you are doing a good job striving for your goals. Maybe that’s the purpose of goals, giving you something to strive for and thereby improve yourself, rather than something to accomplish or not.

  • Just a little behind, but you’re still doing well.
    I’m behind on writing, but I still am writing, so that’s good.
    Six months and it will almost be Christmas!

  • ahamin says:

    We’ve all been there. At least you are accomplishing some of your goals. My summer body might be ready next year. And don’t get me started with my writing. 2000 words was my goal. Sometimes I feel like life is enjoying a big bowl of popcorn while I make plans.

  • LoL … Most relatable post ever! 🙂

    My first six months have been an attempt to juggle publishing goals (a year behind schedule now), health issues (I finally got insurance, but I still do not have health care because they assigned me a doctor that is 84 miles away, and I have high blood pressure and probably need to be on medication, but who knows what else is going wrong with my body due to stress and age), inevitable change of residence progress (3 months behind schedule on downsizing a 3-bedroom house to something that might fit a 1-bedroom apartment), divorce paperwork (and all the PTSD breakdowns, depression, and anxiety that incurred), and goals toward improving my illustration skills for inclusion in my services (which, though I am taking classes and learning, I have not checked off anything on my list of goals for that). And now that it’s summer, I have a huge yard that is sucking my time and energy down the drain so that I have even less time for these other responsibilities and goals. The only thing I’ve actually been able to mark off of my New Year’s list is getting the divorce paperwork processed toward some final result by their deadlines. (Not a happy result, or even a logical result, such as being assigned a doctor 84 miles away, but an end result nonetheless.) Looking at how far behind I am in everything else now that it’s June is just distressing and disappointing, to say the least.

    I’ve been spending the past three weeks reassessing my priorities and deadlines. And I have come to the conclusion that without my health nothing else gets done. In particular, without my mental health, everything else suffers. So, if I can reduce my stress, weight, and blood pressure and have local health *care* by the end of the year, then that is what matters the more than any of the other goals. My time is precious. I am always overwhelmed. So, what it really comes down to is I have to decide how I’m going to spend my time. I have to learn to be okay with letting things go, revising plans, and working on what works for me, rather than working on my expectations. There are not enough hours in the day for my expectations. And expectations are very different from what’s actually doable. I recently read an article saying the number one reason we fail to meet our goals is we try to change too many things at once: multitasking is actually the enemy of productivity. The human brain isn’t designed for multitasking, so instead we need blocks of time for deep concentration on tasks and projects. Ideally, we should pick one goal and work on it consistently until it becomes a new habit. There is also an acronym that is supposed to help us remember how to set achievable goals: SMART goals.

    S — Be specific. (I want to walk every day vs. I want to get fit.)
    M — Make it measurable. (Walking progress can be tracked by calendar days, weight loss, miles, time, etc.)
    A — Actionable … Start every goal with an action verb. (Walk every day before breakfast.)
    R — Keep it realistic. (Walk for 20 minutes, or do 10 minute intervals a couple of times a day. It’s better than nothing. In other words, have a backup plan for those days that require flexibility. And remember that there are going to be setbacks. The goal is not perfection. The goal is to improve. The goal is more hits than misses. If you do a 30-day challenge, but miss a day in the first week, that’s still 6 days out of 7 that you succeeded at hitting your target. Keep going to hit it again … and again. Don’t quit because the score isn’t perfect.)
    T — It should be time bound, so set deadlines. (Schedule it and show up to do the work. Doing something is better than doing nothing. Break big tasks down into short, actionable steps to get a better idea of how much time the goal will take to achieve. But have a schedule or deadline for completing the task.)

    So, my “one thing” that I aim to have better control over by the end of the year is nutrition. If I can make time to cook healthy meals and NOT watch TV while eating them, so that I’m paying attention to my meal instead of the screen, that should help my mind and my body, so that I can better handle everything else on my plate. I still have all these other goals I have to meet or need to try to meet. That’s just life. They won’t go away. But if I can be stubborn about my nutrition and invest most of my effort into that I’m hoping it will pay off in multiple other ways. I think the main thing regarding resolutions is to realize It’s okay to reassess and revise them because there’s usually more than one way to problem solve. 🙂 (Sorry for the length! But I as I said … very relevant to my current activities and frame of mind. So if that helps anyone, it’s worth sharing.)

  • John Hric says:

    I woke up today. The first best thing. There are a whole lot of things that I wish were different. And most of them need to stay just that way. I planted two beds of seedlings. Germination was poor. However it was much better than none. Now if it ever stops raining I will get into the mud and muck and try to plant this year’s seeds. This weather is starting to take on biblical proportions. Oh wait we do have global warming, aka climate change, aka we thought we could do anything we want to our planet. Our only planet. And now mother nature is doing anything she wants to us. She is encouraging me to get off my writing backside. I am going to take the mostly positive things of this and run with them. It is what it is and good things are possible. Stick with it Damyanti and push on. I don’t want to watch Groundhog Day much less relive the same day/year too many times.

  • cath says:

    You too?

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