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Do You #Write to Inspire Others?

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for the follow! I am excited
to follow yours as well and maybe contribute some inspirational piece
in the future. Inspiring others is truly why I love to write and also
why I am a yoga teacher and personal trainer. Nothing satisfies the
soul as much as helping others learn to realize their own potential

I found this on my “About the Writer” page, and it made me stop cold.

I write because I can’t stop.

 I used to be able to ‘not write’ back when I thought only writers could write, and they were haloed beings divinely ordained to become writers. Once that went out the window, I found I enjoyed writing, saw no reason to stop, and over the last few years have become addicted to it (every once in a while, I don’t enjoy it, especially when I’m doing the 15th draft or so).

I wonder sometimes whether people would read what I wrote, but inspiring them? Not so sure.

Do you ever write with the express mission of inspiring your readers?

Damyanti Biswas

Damyanti Biswas is the author of You Beneath Your Skin and numerous short stories that have been published in magazines and anthologies in the US, the UK, and Asia. She has been shortlisted for Best Small Fictions and Bath Novel Awards and is co-editor of the Forge Literary Magazine. Her literary crime thriller series, the Blue Mumbai, is represented by Lucienne Diver from The Knight Agency. Both The Blue Bar and The Blue Monsoon were published in 2023.

I appreciate comments, and I always visit back. If you're having trouble commenting, let me know via the contact form, or tweet me up @damyantig !

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  • Jigar says:

    Ah, no, I don't write to inspire others. I simply write because I love writing. It's just another medium for me to give word forms to my opinions.

  • innerdialect says:

    The most powerful thing we can do is inspire another, and be inspired too, against all odds…. yes lovely post… thanx for the share

  • Rinelle Grey says:

    Nope. I write because I like to write. Sometimes, I hope my writing entertains others. But I'm not so sure about inspiring them!

  • Simon Rutar says:

    Just keep on going, you are doing great.Music is my isnpiration.

  • katie smith says:

    Great question! As an artist, I've wondered the same thing myself. I agree with you in that I draw because I can't stop. There are stories and ideas in my head that I can't wait to get down on paper. If I inspire someone along the way, then that is amazing and I'd be honored! But mostly, I draw and post my work in order to hone my skills, to gather feedback, and because it's just something I love to do.

    On a separate note, you have a lovely blog, looking forward to reading more of your work!

  • Rahul Bhatia says:

    Do write comments to inspire but not really to inspire through my writing:)

  • davexrobb says:

    Hi Damyanti,
    Good question. Yes, I do write to inspire others. Otherwise, why do it? I admit sometimes it falls short. My writing can also be about entertainment or getting validation or showing off, but the best of it is to inspire (which can mean a lot of different things).

  • I write to organize my thoughts. I write because I like the way paper feels against my hand when ink hits the page. I write because I can and because I love it and I can't stop. It's wishful thinking to think that maybe our words can inspire others, but I never intentionally write TO INSPIRE others because I know I'll usually fail when I set out to write on a mission. I just let my personality come through in my writing and tie in little sides or anecdotes, and let the reader create their own story and make it what they will.

  • Nas says:

    I write because I love to write but I do get inspired by reading!

  • Kishore says:

    A very relevant question. I'm so glad not be the only one asking it.

    I think it starts as a way of expression. But by the time I'm in the middle of my post, I change track. It matters a lot to me if someone gets genuinely inspired by reading my post.

    In my most glorious moments, my intention is just that. Otherwise, writing is just a form of expression I can't stop myself from doing, just like you said.

    • Kishore says: –> This is the link to my blog. And just in case you happen to read it, I heart comments too. 🙂

  • P V Ariel says:

    Hi Damyanti,
    Good to be here again after a bit gap,
    Glad to note about your visit to my place at g+
    This post and the question is really thought provoking one.
    I do write when I get some kind of inspiration and I believe
    that, that may surely give some kind of inspiration to my readers. LOL 🙂
    Keep inform
    Best Regards

  • That's a question hard to answer. I do write whenever I feel like writing about something. I don't want to cheat myself and others by saying that I write to inspire others. For, some of my writes may be an inspiring piece and some hopelessly pedestrian.

  • Fayaz Pasha says:

    Whatever we write about should ultimately inspire someone. Imagine each post or piece of work is a small bulb in a Serial Set. If only two or three bulbs light amongst 50 bulbs there's some problem either with the bulbs or the connection. Everybody's mission each day should be to inspire someone or guide someone. Somebody else will guide or inspire us too.

  • Some posts are meant to inspire and some posts I write because I love to…

  • avirandom says:

    Drap, I just realized, I write for no reasons

  • klahanie says:

    Hi Damyanti,

    I do hope to inspire the one reader I visualise who is reading my articles that touch on a human level. I would actually say, when we inspire others, we inspire ourselves. That's a positive connection.

    Wishing you a peaceful, hopeful Sunday, dear lady.

    In kindness,


  • Donna Hole says:

    I was gonna answer this "only on my blog, or with book reviews." But, I write womens fiction with a message, and I write characters and story plots in other genre's with the hopes people will think deeply about the issues – as well as be entertained.

    So I guess I do write to inspire an audience. The message isn't the same for every audience though. And I think writing something just to make someone smile can also be an inspirational writing. I've woken up – or ended my day – on a bad note sometimes and something I read/saw put a smile on my face and a change in attitude.

    But if you don't believe in your message, or enjoy writing – whatever – then you can't entertain or inspire a reader. The love and passion comes through if you enjoy the delivery method.


  • Sometimes. If I write about something that inspires ME, I hope my telling of it will inspire others, too. I write to make people laugh, to cry, or to think and feel strongly, whatever the emotion. And in the end, I write because I must.

  • Ice Girl says:

    I write because I love it.

  • Jo says:

    I write my blog (not books or anything) because I have discovered I enjoy writing and mostly, I can't stop. Once in a while I think it's a pain, but mostly I love to write.

  • mooderino says:

    I think it would be very intimidating for me to think my purpose was to inspire anyone. I want them to be interested and anything else is gravy.


  • Jemi Fraser says:

    Nope 🙂 I write because I love it – it's fun. My stories are definitely more on the entertainment side of things as opposed to inspiration! 🙂

  • Karen Walker says:

    Actually, no. I write from my heart, sharing my experiences and trials and tribulations and successes and hope that sometimes that will inspire others.

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