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How do you get More Followers to Your Blog?

Writing has been more in my head than in my pen the last few days, but I do intend to change that. So this Sunday, am devoting most of my time to writing, or #amwriting.

But of course, I had to sneak a look at my blog, and lo and behold…I have crossed 200 followers! Some people do it in less than an year, it took this blog 3 years. Probably because the question “How do you get more followers to your blog?” has never bothered me.

This is partly because I’ve never actively pursued followers (ironic, that one!)…and never followed anyone just because they were following me. I only follow blogs I love to read, and prune the list from time to time so it stays updated…I try to rule out blogs which have been dormant for months.

I’ve never held a contest, or giveaway, and the Rule of Three Blogfest that I’m helping organize now is not populist, it is meant for serious writers who would like to challenge themselves.

Not sure how a writer like me is to ever build a platform. All I know is I like some people in the writer-blogger community for their talent and generosity, and I love to be part of a community of such writers. Yes, I’ve joined #Writecampaign, but only because it inspires me to go visit more bloggers—I know I’ll discover some gems, and those I intend to cherish.

I like to think those who follow me do it because of my posts and not some desperate blogging number-game, where everyone is desperate to be heard, and no one is listening!

To my 200 followers, thank you. I may not have played any games to attract you, but I’m awfully chuffed you’re here.

Damyanti Biswas

Damyanti Biswas is the author of You Beneath Your Skin and numerous short stories that have been published in magazines and anthologies in the US, the UK, and Asia. She has been shortlisted for Best Small Fictions and Bath Novel Awards and is co-editor of the Forge Literary Magazine. Her literary crime thriller series, the Blue Mumbai, is represented by Lucienne Diver from The Knight Agency. Both The Blue Bar and The Blue Monsoon were published in 2023.

I appreciate comments, and I always visit back. If you're having trouble commenting, let me know via the contact form, or tweet me up @damyantig !

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  • Deniz Bevan says:

    I'm looking forward to the Rule of Three – it's such a great idea!

  • Damyanti says:

    Thanks Gargi!

    Eric and Rebecca…I guess we're on the same page.

    JC, it could also be that I've been visiting a lot of blogs lately for the RUle of Three and they are merely returning my visits…being really kind people 😀

  • J.C. Martin says:

    You may have just 200 followers, but just look at the number of comments! Most blogs with hundreds of followers don't get nearly as much response from their blog posts as you do, which means the 200 here really do listen to what you're saying! Well done! 🙂

  • Rebecca Emin says:

    I've got to be honest, I don't have a clue how many followers I have. I'll have a look once I've finished this comment. I write things on my blog that I want to write, I'm not on Blogger for the numbers either but it is lovely when people want to read what you write.

  • You'll notice I have a similar problem, lack of followers. I don't begrudge those who collect +1k followers anymore than I begrudge those with 20 fellow friends.

    I follow and comment on both types of sites.

    My personal opinion on the matter aligns with yours — I want some genuine followers, and you simply cannot follow more than a couple dozen sites, at least I can't. See, when I comment, I ~comment~, it's generally not a blurb of, "Nice job!"

    Anyway, I'm with you. Don't worry about followers. They'll come when they should come.

    – Eric

  • gargimehra says:

    I'm late with this but Congratulations on this achievement, Damayanti! It is no mean feat.

  • Damyanti says:

    MS Saba and Ruth, thanks a ton for the award, and I'll do my best to pass it on!

    Lady Jai, thanks for taking the time to comment..dont worry if a post does not get too many comments…if you enjoyed writing it, that is sometimes its own reward.

    Julia, I couldn't agree more with your last statement!

    Amberr, thanks for stopping by and your words of encouragement!

    Donna, thanks for your kind words, and yes, writing IS the most important activity..Amen.

    Memoirs…thanks for making the time to drop by, and happy to have you as a Triberr friend!

    Li, no I haven't let blogging become a chore…I always leave room for enjoyment!

  • Oh noooo! I just saw Ms Saba tagged you already! Well, consider yourself twice blessed as I've also awarded you The Versatile Blogger Award and you are mentioned on MY blog, too!

    I've enjoyed reading your posts and am glad I found your blog through the campaign 🙂

  • li says:

    Congrats on making it to 200, and I think it's healthy that you haven't fallen into the numbers game. I've seen quite a few people disappointed because they don't have that many followers, but I always tell them that they shouldn't ever equate number of followers with self-worth. I feel that writing – and blogging – should be enjoyable, not a chore. If you love what you do, and what you write about, it will show, and people will find you. 🙂

  • I am grateful to Triberr for introducing me to so many great blogs. The only problem that I have now is that there isn't enough time in the day to read them all.

  • Donna Hole says:

    Two hundred is awesome! It took me a long time to get there to, and now I'm over 300 and feeling like I should throw some kind of event. But I've no time right now. Eh, another auspicious number will come up, or I'll get bored sometime . .

    I do enjoy your posts Damy. Very insightful; and they are more meaningful for the time and energy you put into them when you do post. Writing is the more important activity 🙂

    I am looking forward to the Rule Of Three blogfest. Should be fun.

    Have a good week.


  • Amberr says:

    Woo hoo! 200 is great. I say just to keep doing what you're doing, and the followers will come (even if it takes time). Also consider the number of people who don't publicly subscribe but still bookmark your page. Way to go!

  • Julia Smith says:

    I have been a delighted blogger for four years now. My followers hang steady at about 163. My blogging relationships are quite dear to me because I've become friends with most of them.

    My google stats let me know that I have a lot more non-commenting page views, so I'm happy that my content attracts readers, not all of whom like to participate in comment conversations.

    Blogging is a wonderful highlight of my life, and I think that's what is important. If you're a writer looking to build an online presence and blogging is purely a means to an end, your experience will be more akin to endless homework assignments – LOL!

  • LadyJai says:

    I feel the same way! I don't blog regularly. But always active on twitter. I really don't have time to blog. That time is usually meant for writing stories. I get discouraged to easily too. I feel that I am doing something wrong if I don't get people to read what I've written on my blog. I feel like my writing is lacking. I just wish I new what to do 🙂

  • Hi Damyanti! I've mentioned you on my blog and passed on the Versatile Blogger Award. You can find the info here:

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