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Knowing How to Yield is Strength

For all of April, I’m going wordless for the A to Z Challenge.

The title of each post is a phrase/ sentence that inspires me as a
writer, and below is a picture I think best embodies it. In the
comments, I invite you to discuss what the phrase means to you, as a person, a
reader, or whatever other role you might choose for yourself in life.

Knowing How to Yield is Strength: Image via Scott Liddell

Damyanti Biswas

Damyanti Biswas is the author of You Beneath Your Skin and numerous short stories that have been published in magazines and anthologies in the US, the UK, and Asia. She has been shortlisted for Best Small Fictions and Bath Novel Awards and is co-editor of the Forge Literary Magazine. Her literary crime thriller series, the Blue Mumbai, is represented by Lucienne Diver from The Knight Agency. Both The Blue Bar and The Blue Monsoon were published in 2023.

I appreciate comments, and I always visit back. If you're having trouble commenting, let me know via the contact form, or tweet me up @damyantig !

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  • says:

    bingo.. the image says it all !!! i have added you on indiblogger ..i have been missing your posts coz never had you added before !! well now i can keep a track what is 'amloki' posting 🙂

  • Kristen Dyrr says:

    I love the photo… the tree yielding to the wind. That's a perfect example. If it did not yield, it would lose all its leaves.

    Sometimes I have trouble with this. I really want to do something my way, but it sometimes takes some tough thinking and realization that my way may not be the best way.

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:

  • Rupertt Wind says:

    I believe there are times when sacrifices are to be made and making these sacrifices on ones own requires immense strength. Therefore when you yield and when you don not is an act of discretion and a display of sheer raw mental strength.

  • archana1209 says:

    This image reminds me of how the tree stands tall and strong even when the wind blows hard….. Yielding is subjective, to some it could mean being adamant to others it might mean courage….

  • Sumita Pai says:

    Beautiful. Both the photograph and the title. And the comments are enriching too. Thank you for choosing this wonderful theme.

    Four Leaf Clover

  • I agree yielding can be a source of strength but to me the picture conveys "not giving up" even when the wind blows hard…. Standing tall and standing up is more powerful, in my opinion, than giving away and that is what this picture signifies to me…

  • Exactly what I needed to see today. Thanks!

  • Ida Chiavaro says:

    I think Yield is going to be my y word, there are many trees that get burned in bush fires in Australia, but it's what is needed for their seeds to germinate.

  • Suzy says:

    Isn't that ever so true. The trees bend with the wind not resist it. We can learn so much from nature. Loved this one.

  • klahanie says:

    Greetings human,

    Bend but don't break…

    Pawsitive wishes to you and thank you for embracing the true ethos of a sharing, caring blogging community.

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! 🙂

  • DL Hammons says:

    Some of the best martial arts teach how to use an opponents strength against them! 🙂

  • Erick Farish says:

    Man, this is true on so many different levels; marriage, business, friendship, spiritually…
    There's an entire library of books written and waiting to be written on these few words!

    Erick @ A Brief Sinfonia: Loving You're Wife From A-Z

  • lynnelives says:

    Great pics. Lovely sentences. Oh how we try to resist at times!! xx

  • That is a great saying. It's always wise to know when to stop and when to keep fighting.

    Patricia Lynne

  • sassyspeaks says:

    so true – better to yield than bang your head against a brick wall

  • You're right. Yielding often is harder than pushing through.

  • I think Bruce Lee said something similar to this.

  • That image is beautiful. It makes me feel very introspective for some reason. Very lovely.

    And Damyanti, I just wanted to take a moment and thank you. If you had never stopped by my brand new blog to say hey, I never would have visited your wonderful blog and learned about the A to Z Challenge. I know we're barely halfway through but, it has been a great experience … both challenging and fun. And I've met so many new blogger friends and found some really amazing blogs. It's been incredible! Thanks again!

  • Al Diaz says:

    I love this one! I'm making it my favorite. 🙂

  • Jo says:

    Little tree looks so lonely there, even if it has been strong enough to survive this long.


  • There is power in submission.

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