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Writing About an Italian Song on Complicated Love

I love this Italian song on YouTube by Giorgia, can’t get it out of my head—- one of those delightful, hummy little numbers. It is all about Love and the various things lovers do, feel, think and compromise on, but all in a song that somehow makes even the most unpleasant things poetic.

I include the lyrics and my ungainly attempts at translation for those who might be interested. I hope my Italian friends would correct me wherever I have gone wrong:)


Le cose che amo di te
sono nascoste
tutto intorno a me.
Le cose che amo di te
sono parte di me
che non riesco a comprendere.

The things which I love about you
are all hidden
inside me
The things that I love about you
are parts of me
that I fail to understand

Ed io non posso non pensare
alle ore dell’amore
alle cose di me
che hai saputo prendere

And I cannot not think
at the hour of love
of the things about me
that you have known to take

Ed io non so dimenticare
nessun gesto nel calore
e le cose di te
che ho saputo perdere.

And I do not know how to forget
the gestures of heat
and the things about you
that I have known to lose

Le cose che amo di te
sono nascoste
dentro me.
Le cose che odio di te
sono parte di me
che non voglio comprendere.

The things I love about you
are hidden
inside me.
The things I hate about you
are parts of me
that I do not want to understand

Ed io non posso
non pensare
che c’è un prezzo nell’amore
ed io lo pago con te
ma non riesco a vincere.

And I cannot
not think
that there is a price to love
that I pay it with you
but I fail to win

Troppe bugie
a cui ho creduto
e delusioni
a cui ho ceduto
hanno fatto di me
una persona fragile.

Too many lies
that I have believed
and delusions
to which I have surrendered
have been made by me,
a fragile person.

Immagina che
qui si blocca il tempo
e non c’è rimpianto
e si alza il vento
su di noi
e sulle cose che ci separano
nell’onda che lega
le nostra anime sole.

Imagine that
time has stopped here
and there are no regrets
and a breeze
rises above us
and over the things that separate us
on the waves that attach
our single souls.

Le cose che amo di te
non le conosci
sono invisibili, inspiegabili, indescrivibili.

The things I love about you
you do not know them
they are invisible, inexplicable, indescribable

Ed io non posso
non pensare
alle ore dell’amore
alle cose di me
che hai saputo prendere.
Ed io non so dimenticare
nessun gesto nel calore
e le cose di te
che ho saputo perdere.

I cannot
not think
at the hour of love
of the things about me
that you have known to take
And I don’t know how to forget
the gestures of heat
of the things about you
I have known to lose

Come ti chiami
che cosa vuoi per domani
mentre il mondo ti cerca
devi scegliere.
Ascolta il respiro
che ti guida sul sentiero
perchè tutto
dipende anche da te.

What is you name
What you want for tomorrow
While the world looks for you
you need to choose.
Listen to the breath
that guides you on the way
because it all
depends also on you

Cose che amo di te……..
Things I love about you…..

Damyanti Biswas

Damyanti Biswas is the author of You Beneath Your Skin and numerous short stories that have been published in magazines and anthologies in the US, the UK, and Asia. She has been shortlisted for Best Small Fictions and Bath Novel Awards and is co-editor of the Forge Literary Magazine. Her literary crime thriller series, the Blue Mumbai, is represented by Lucienne Diver from The Knight Agency. Both The Blue Bar and The Blue Monsoon were published in 2023.

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One Comment

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