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Writing about My Vacation in Italian

By 03/11/2008writing

With my Italian exams drawing near, I’ve taken to writing, reading and speaking Italian as much as I can. I sent my teacher a paragraph on my Kenyir Vacation, and here’s the corrected version. Ely, you want to take a chance at an English translation?

Siamo andati in vacanza il fine settimana scorso vicino a un lago si chiama Tasik Kenyir. Il lago e’ enorme, ci vuole mezz’ora a attarversare il lago con il motoscafo.

La vista era molto bella dal balcone della nostra camera. L’acqua cambiava di colore dalla mattina alla sera, e il lago sembrava diverso ogni giorno. Era molto bello da vedere, e ogni mattina mi sedevo sul letto ammirando la vista.

Il cibo pero’ nel Lake Kenyir resort non era molto buono  e mi ha stancato  molto, perche’ c’era solo un ristorante dove dovevamo fare la colazione, pranzo, e cena. Pero’ siamo stati molto tranquilli, siamo andati a pesca, e anche a vedere tutto il lago in motoscafo.

Damyanti Biswas

Damyanti Biswas is the author of You Beneath Your Skin and numerous short stories that have been published in magazines and anthologies in the US, the UK, and Asia. She has been shortlisted for Best Small Fictions and Bath Novel Awards and is co-editor of the Forge Literary Magazine. Her literary crime thriller series, the Blue Mumbai, is represented by Lucienne Diver from The Knight Agency. Both The Blue Bar and The Blue Monsoon were published in 2023.

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  • I admire (and envy) you learning to speak Italian. It’s close to Romanian—the language of my birth.

    • Damyanti Biswas says:

      I don’t speak it as often any more. Maybe it is time i took it up.

  • doctordilday says:

    I can not read a word. But I have been to Italy many times, so I know it has to be all about good times. (And, I am jealous of anyone who knows more than one language!)

  • “We went on vacation last weekend near a lake called Tasik Kenyir. The lake is huge, it takes half an hour to cross the lake with the motorboat.

    The view was very nice from the balcony of our room. The water changed color from morning to night, and the lake looked different every day. It was very nice to see, and every morning I sat on the bed admiring the view.

    The food however in the Lake Kenyir resort was not very good and it got me very tired, because there was only one restaurant where we had to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But we were very quiet, we went fishing, and even to see the whole lake by motorboat.”

    Was I close? Sounds like you had a great vacay!

  • Emma says:

    Good luck with your exams. I’m always jealous of folks who can speak more than one language, and Italian is beautiful.

  • Awesome! I lived in Italy for 2 years and became some what fluent speaking Italian. That was many years ago and I forgot most of it, some day I would like to pick it up again.

  • cherylfoston says:

    I hope you had a great vacation. We all deserve a break! 🙂

  • oldpoet56 says:

    Good luck to you on your exams.

  • elybessy says:

    We went on vacation last weekend near a lake called Tasik Kenjir. It’s a huge lake,and to across it , takes half an hour by boat.

    The landscape was beautiful from my room balcony. The sea changed own colour from the morning to the evening, and the lakes looked so different every day.
    It was so nice to enjoy it and every morning I sat down on my bed admiring the view.

    The food in Lake Kenyir resort it wasn’t very good and I didn’t like it too much. We could only have breakfast, lunch and dinner in the same restaurant, but we were quiet, we went fishing and we enjoyed the trip on the lake.

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