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For me, every time I travel, I grow a little, and my mind expands.

Each snapshot on my mindscreen, each accompanying thought make an impression on my attitude to life.
I’m blessed to be able to travel every once in a while, and each new silence, new emotion feeds me and my writing.
What effect does travel have on you?

Damyanti Biswas

Damyanti Biswas is the author of You Beneath Your Skin and numerous short stories that have been published in magazines and anthologies in the US, the UK, and Asia. She has been shortlisted for Best Small Fictions and Bath Novel Awards and is co-editor of the Forge Literary Magazine. Her literary crime thriller series, the Blue Mumbai, is represented by Lucienne Diver from The Knight Agency. Both The Blue Bar and The Blue Monsoon were published in 2023.

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  • The pictures of Venezia made me stop by 🙂
    I was there with an American friend of mine last June. I think travelling with friends is like travelling twice, because you experience the place yourself, you experience it through your friends, and the way the two expereince merge through dialogue and confrontation is the true growing.

  • Vidhya V Rao says:

    Travelling has become the most pursued hobby these days. For me – what started off as a pleasure has now found new perception. Travelling has been an eyeopener, has been gratifying, has made me appreciate this planet, has taught me civic sense, Ironically it has always always made me grow fonder for home and my people. May all your travel dreams come true

  • Kokila Gupta says:

    Absolutely !

  • I totally agree. To travel is to experience is to learn is to grow. Unfortunately, my current life chapter restricts my ability to travel like I desire, but I hope for a time to come when that changes.

  • AJ Lauer says:

    Damy I am completely with you on this. Traveling changes me every time. Even if it's just a quick weekend trip, seeing all the different people, eating new foods, seeing new architecture and landscapes.. So nourishing!
    Hope you are doing well 🙂

  • llgckate says:

    Traveling always helps me to reconnect with my Divine nature and to connect with all other beings as equals. Its easy in our day to day lives to get caught up in our own little world. When I travel, I am blessed with an abundance of opportunities to learn, grow, connect, expand my mind & heart, and share love in every single moment. After returning home from traveling I am always reminded of those feelings and I do my best each day to incorporate as many of the lessons, gifts, and blessings that I have received during my travels. A change of perspective can have immense changes on your life and every journey provides me with new and healing thought patterns that replace the old useless ones.

    Many blessings from Bahia, Brasil,
    Kate 🙂

  • Greetings human, Damyanti,

    Ah yes, my human friend, Gary, has had many an adventure being immersed in different cultures. He believes and I believe, that the diversity with the travelling experience has been an adventure that has helped make him who he is today.

    May I ask you a question, dear human? When you have come back from a journey, does your home, your environment, seem a bit of out kilter, a bit surreal when you come home? Gary has told me things look different for a few days when he gets back from travelling.

    In magical travels,

    Geoffrey 🙂

  • I have been working/travelling in the northern part of my country Ghana. A part where i have never been to before but now my work is coming to an end, i don't feel like coming back home…

  • Li says:

    Travel always sharpens my senses – and also gives me a renewed appreciate for home!

  • Sherry Ellis says:

    Travel certainly does expand your mind!

  • Yes. I feel like I see the world in a whole new way, with new eyes. Like, C. Lee said, all senses come to life in a strange place.
    Great pics! 🙂

  • cleemckenzie says:

    I guess the short answer is yes. You stop taking things for granted, you're more aware of what's around you and how different it is. I think all of my senses come to life when I'm in a strange place.

  • Susan Scott says:

    Travel gets one out of one's comfort zone, new places and people, culture, history. It can only be mind expanding to see things in a different way even if uncomfortable. It's always lovely to come back home though! Thanks Dimyanti – your photos are lovely and here's to a continuing pleasurable holiday 🙂

  • Joyce Lansky says:

    I wouldn't know. I haven't been anywhere in a long time. 🙁

  • Murees Dupé says:

    It is nice to travel and learn about new cultures and meet new people. It does make one's mind more open.

  • Nick Wilford says:

    Totally. I like to learn a little about the history of where I am, and think about the people lived there. Travel is refreshing and inspiring.

  • That is so true. I know many people who would rather buy a new TV or remodel their houses than travel. They feel like it's a waste of money. I try to explain how travel expands your mind and creates memories that last a lifetime, but the people who would rather buy something than travel usually don't want their minds expanded, I've found!

  • Absolutely.

  • I've learned many things on my travels which have enriched me, and I appreciate the diverse cultures and customs that I have been exposed to. The photos are beautiful and your post is interesting.

  • Yes! Travel broadens your mind and exposes you to so many new places, people, and cultures. It makes you more well-rounded as a person.

  • Debbie says:

    I agree as well, having travelled extensively from a young age. Travel is the best life education a person can have. It opens the mind and allows you to embrace and celebrate different cultures. I would love to be able to revisit some of the places I went to as a child, because my appreciation would be so much greater now!
    Debbie @The Doglady's Den

  • Jan Newman says:

    I agree. You can't step off your own turf without making yourself larger and more aware. For writers I think it's especially true, though you can't argue with the insight and particularity–and flights of fancy–that familiarity brought to Emily Dickinson.

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