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I’m Hearing Voices-Day 2-Dialogue

This week, I’m dedicating the blog to  I’m Hearing Voices , which is an awesome blogfest hosted by Cassie Mae at Reading, Writing, and Lovin’ it! and Angie at Live to Write…Edit when Necessary. 
This blogfest is a series of writing exercises we have to post on the 6th, 8th and 10th of February, and since I love stretching those writing muscles, I decided to join in!
After my post on Monday, here’s what the hosts want us to do today, the 8th of February:
Character storyboard: Churi

Dialogue Introduction: Have two characters introduce each other using only dialogue—no backstory, no internalization, just dialogue between the two. Max 250 words.

Here is my attempt, where Vrishcik, the character I interviewed on 6th February is in conversation with the character Churi he mentioned then.

 “Don’t you dare let her call you ‘Vish’!” said Churi, eyes blazing.
“You weren’t the first to give me that nickname. My Mum called me Vish first– Anjali can call me Vish if she wants to!” Vrishchik crossed his arms, turning away.
“Who the hell is Anjali? What does she mean to you?”Churi walked around to face him, looking up, the kohl in her eyes underlining their intensity.
“Oh do shut up. She’s just another woman, and you know that,” said Vrishchik, his expression a study in boredom.
“So why haven’t I met her? Why are you keeping her all to yourself?”
“I’m doing nothing of the kind. It is just too early for you to meet.”
“Why? Don’t you want her? Why are you with her then?” said Churi, genuinely curious now.
“I’m not running low on canvases, Churi,  and canvases keep better on bodies,” said Vrishchik, turning away to the wall, which took him to his last painting.
“Doesn’t this one look beautiful?” said Churi, running her fingertips over the lines on the life-sized canvas that the brush had followed with such a sure, skilled touch. “But your best is yet to come, I think, all you need is a good canvas and the right mix of wrinkles and smoothness.”

Character storyboard: Vrishchik
“Maybe,” said Vrishchik.”You’re not steel as you claim, Churi. You have emotions.”

“She’s the One isn’t she?”said Churi.

“Yes,”said Vrishchik, blood welling up on his finger as he touched Churi to make sure she hadn’t lost her edge.
Damyanti Biswas

Damyanti Biswas is the author of You Beneath Your Skin and numerous short stories that have been published in magazines and anthologies in the US, the UK, and Asia. She has been shortlisted for Best Small Fictions and Bath Novel Awards and is co-editor of the Forge Literary Magazine. Her literary crime thriller series, the Blue Mumbai, is represented by Lucienne Diver from The Knight Agency. Both The Blue Bar and The Blue Monsoon were published in 2023.

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